The Futon Chair Bed  

The Best Info And The Best Deals On The Versitile Futon Chair Bed 


The Versatile Futon Chair Bed.

 Contrary to what many might think, futon chair beds really do exist. Many might question how a chair can possibly become a bed. The answer to that question is very simple: It happens the same way a couch can be considered as a bed. Couch beds and chair beds operate under the same principle.

Cramped space

The use of futon chair beds is option number one for those who live in small spaces, such as in a studio-type apartment space. It is very advantageous and convenient to look for a piece of furniture that can function as two completely separate pieces of furniture. Futon chair beds can be folded out or converted into an ultra comfortable twin-sized bed.

However, when considering a futon chair bed, one must remember that it still is a piece of furniture that should function properly in both chair and bed modes. As a chair or a bed, it must have a soft mattress. Futon mattresses are made with very soft material that must be held firm by a good, sturdy frame. The constant folding and unfolding of chair beds could cause wear and tear on a nice futon cover or sheet if the cushion is not properly supported.

Types of futon chair beds

There are actually very many different kinds of futon chair beds out in the market. It is an innate response that people stick with what is familiar to them. The creativity that surrounds interior design and furniture making has resulted in a number of styles for futon frames. That can make it difficult to make the right choice in futon style for your home.

A bi-fold frame means the futon chair bed can be folded in half to form the seat and elevate the back support. There is also a tri-fold frame which allows the mattress to fold into thirds. One third will be the seat, another the back support and the third can be folded over the back part or can be hidden under the seat. The tri-fold frame has a shorter width for the seat while the bi-fold type of futon frame seems to be a more like a conventional chair bed. Aside from the width, bi-fold chair beds also have softer and thicker mattresses compared to the ones with tri-fold frames. This is the main reason why people often purchase bi-fold futon frames.

Limited budget

Beds can be very expensive nowadays. In short, if money is tight, then futon chair beds are a good option. Futons are like most furniture in that you can spend as much as you want. Simple futons with basic frames and standard pads are going to be relatively inexpensive. Larger more ornate futons with frames made from exotic woods or high end alloys, along with pads made of high count cotton or silk, are obviously going to be considerably more expensive.


Futon chair beds are also very convenient because now you can get away with not having a guest room. You can just make use of your wonderfully designed futon bed to make your guests feel more than comfortable. Yes, futon chair beds put a stop to guests having to sleep on the cold, hard floor. All you have to do is throw in a sleeping bag and you are set. No guests? No problem. If necessary, the futon can be kept out of the way whenever not in use, and can easily be unfolded when needed again.

All in all, having a futon chair bed in the household is usually a good thing. This is due to the fact that aside from saving space, money and time, futon chair beds can be as attractive as they are comfortable, and can be matched with virtually any theme or decor simply by changing the cover.